CBI Pro-Akademia


Change the world of energy! The KICkoff competition has started


The KICkoff competition dedicated to creators of projects focused on sustainable energy has started. more

Fuel cells for innovation


We execute a project within the Applied Research Programme, funded by the National Centre for Research and Development. more

Open Days in RES TTC


The dwellers of Konstantynow Lodzki visited our seat in their town. more

A good Plan is the basis!


We propose the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for the communes which plan ecological development. more

Biomass in the Visegrad Region


On 23rd July the 17th Forum of Bioenergy for the Region Cluster was held. The main theme this time was biomass as an instigator of business development in energy clusters of Visegrad Region. more

National Key Cluster


Bioenergy for the Region Cluster submitted an application for the status of the National Key Cluster. more
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