CO2URIER project Polish partners meeting
On August 5th, 2016 Polish partners of CO2URIER project have met to discuss project related issues more
New international project
Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia received a research grant in "Polish-German Sustainability Research (STAIR)" call. more
Norwegian experiences for the renewable energy sources development in Poland
We have completed another specialistic residential course in Norway for the civil servants from Polish Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy, and of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management more
Thank you for the joint celebration of the 20th anniversary of Pro-Akademia
Thank you for the joint celebration of the 20th anniversary of Pro-Akademia, thank you for all the kind words, friendship and cooperation. more
International meeting
On April 8th, 2016 in our CTT RES office we organized a workshop entitled "Establishing cooperation between researchers and enterprises in the field of energy / product production from wastes and microbial fuel cell applications". more
Step by step project partner meeting
RIC Pro-Akademia, as a partner of Step by step project, took part in the second partner meeting more