Laboratory of Wind Energy
Laboratory of Wind Energy performs comprehensive aerodynamics and fluid mechanics research, using advanced measuring devices, including a subsonic aerodynamic tunnel, offering:
- Measurement of energy generated by wind turbine models at different wind speeds up to 40 m / s with a tolerance of 1% and a deflection angle of <0.3o;
- Collection of velocity, wind direction, temperature and humidity data;
- Monitoring the operation of wind turbine models in a chamber: 800 (height) x 600 (width) x 2000 (length) mm, and with cross section of 0.48 m2;
The tunnel is equipped with Multi-channel Constant-Temperature Anemometry (CTA) system as well as an integrated IT control system that allows for visualization and analysis of data collected during tests. The uniqueness of the tunnel lies not only in its technical parameters, energy efficiency and minimal negative impact on the environment (fan operation and airflows generate noise levels below 100db), but also in its high functionality, adapted for application research.
The Laboratory also provides the following services:
- Measurement of windiness at the site of the proposed wind turbine foundation,
- Analysis and prediction of wind speed,
- Indications for the location of turbines,
- Simulations of the amount of energy produced by the generator,
- Forecasts for coverage of electricity demand,
- Defining the investment plan.