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Language of benefits for digital sharing of knowledge on the open access interactive platform

Date added: 2016-07-01

Pages: 31-42


Ewa Kochańska


The main objective of creating the open access to databases is to develop of innovation and efficiency in all aspects of socio-economic development. The article discusses the issue of open access to public data and focuses attention on the information of the results of research, useful to entrepreneurs. Open access to the data of the R&D institutions can be practically achieved thanks to implementation of an interactive platform. The proposed platform should uses the procedure for:

  • collecting data from individual R&D institutions websites,
  • translating them into language of benefits, comprehensible to entrepreneurs,
  • distributing the transformed information to the proper entrepreneurs, selected by the code of NACE.

The Author tackles the topic of digital knowledge-sharing in the context of the acceleration of socio-economic development in Europe. She discusses her own proprietary software tool - an interactive platform that uses so called “the language of benefits” for transferring the scientific research results to business practice.


open access, open innovation, bigdata management, interactive platform
