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Developing cooperation between science and the economy in the area of renewable energy sources based on the example of the deenet network

Date added: 2013-07-01


Stanisław Aleksandrow


The aim of the paper is to analyze projects focused on decentralized energy supply systems, energy-optimized design and construction, as well as energy-efficient industrial processes and sustainable energy supply concepts. In view of the above, projects such as the following were analyzed: "Regiony w 100% Odnawialne" ("100% Renewable Regions), "KLIMZUG", "Zabytki i Energia" ("Monuments and Energy"), "Klimaregio", "Sieć elektroenergetyczna przyszłości" ("The Power Engineering Network of the Future"), "Polsko-niemiecki dialog klastrów" ("Polish-German Cluster Dialog"), "Energooszczędne budownictwo i mieszkanie" ("Energy Efficient Construction and Housing"), "dEcoSense", "Manager Energetyczny – IHK" ("Power Engineering Manager - IHK") d "Okrągły stół energetyczny Północnej Hesji" ("Northern Hesse Energy Round Table").


energy, energy supply systems, civil engineering, power engineering design, energy efficient processes, sustainable energy supplies
