Innovations in circular economy in Brazil
On 15th March 2019 the mission of the RIC Pro-Akademia experts in Brazil ended. It was the first phase of the FiWastEnergy project: EU-Brazilian cooperation for fish waste circular management in PISCIS company, financed by the European Union under the Low Carbon Business Action Brazil program. The meeting summarizing our mission in the region of Ceara was attended by Mrs. Marta Olkowska, Chargé d'affaires a.i. First Secretary, head of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brasilia, and the authorities of the Federation of Industry of the Region of Ceara (Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Ceará - FIEC).
The aim of the FiWastEnergy project is to develop and implement innovative solutions in the field of circular economy in the fish processing sector in Brazil on the example of a small company PISCIS specializing in tilapia processing. The project includes the implementation of laboratory tests on the characteristics of Brazilian fish waste in terms of their potential for biogas production, as well as economic and technical research on the specification of the quantity and quality of fish waste in order to prepare the assumptions for the implementation of dedicated biogas production technology. The research is accompanied by comparative analyzes of biogas production technologies available on the market, adequate to the needs and capabilities of PISCIS.
During the first two weeks of March, the RIC Pro-Akademia experts inspected the local infrastructure and business and technological processes at PISCIS, which is the main partner and recipient of the results of the FiWastEnergy project. In addition, our experts participated in meetings organized by the Federation of Industries of the Region of Ceara (Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Ceará - FIEC). The Ceara agri-food companies were particularly interested in technological cooperation with RICPro-Akademia in the use of organic waste from production for energy purposes. Due to the fact that the Ceara region is a basin of poultry production, our project PROKOKO also raised a lot of interest.