CBI Pro-Akademia


European Researchers’ Night in Olsztyn


On the 29th of September, 2017, our colleagues, Lidia Natalia Trusilewicz and Karina Michalska participated in the European Researchers’ Night (#fusion2night). more

RIC Pro-Akademia among members of Polish Green Building Council


RIC Pro-Akademia joined the Polish Green Building Council. more

Second meeting of Acta Innovations Scientific Council


On 22nd September 2017, the second meeting of Acta Innovations Scientific Council, an English-language scientific quarterly issued by RIC Pro-Akademia, took place. more

Pro-Akademia is working on the project "High-performance carbonate fuel cells"


Pro-Akademia, together with its partners is working on the project "High-performance carbonate fuel cells" more

European Committee of the Regions Knowledge Exchange Platform at RIC Pro-Akademia


On 07.07.2017, at our headquarters in Konstantynow Lodzki, we had the pleasure of being the host of the conference: "RES technologies in the Lodz Region: the role of local and regional authorities and support for research and innovation by the EU " more
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