CBI Pro-Akademia

Co-creating Resilient Food Systems for Central and Eastern Europe

Start date:2024-05-01
Completion date:2026-04-30
Project status:in progress

About the project

EcoReadyMasuria Living Lab, located in the Polish picturesque region of Mazury, promotes climate change adaptation solutions in agriculture. Focusing on the Ełk, Gołdap and Olecko counties, the project investigates the production systems of five products key to food security in Central and Eastern Europe, namely barley, maize, sunflower, red clover and milk.
The specific objectives of EcoReadyMasuria include:

  • Development of a comprehensive knowledge base for co-creation and modelling of climate change adaptation scenarios for barley, maize, red clover, sunflower and milk production systems.
  • Modelling and testing of co-developed climate change adaptation scenarios under real-world conditions to understand their impact on food security and biodiversity of target food systems.
  • Analyse existing agricultural policies affecting food security and biodiversity in target food systems, propose improvements to them and provide sustainability as well as contingency plans to ensure the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of climate change adaptation solutions.
  • Disseminate knowledge of the Eco-Ready project and EcoReadyMasuria sub-project to various stakeholders to increase their awareness and understanding of the inter-linkages between food security, climate change and biodiversity.

The implementation of EcoReadyMasuria will contribute to a better understanding of the interlinkages between climate change, food security and biodiversity by co-creating and testing model-based scenarios (adaptation solutions) with farmers through surveys, workshops, field experiments, interviews and practical crisis management exercises. EcoReadyMasuria will provide agricultural policy recommendations and contingency plans for targeted food production systems, raise public awareness of agricultural adaptation to climate change and make a significant contribution to the EU-wide Eco-Ready Resilience Observatory. The initiative brings together stakeholders from science, agriculture and civil society, contributing to the development of agricultural resilience to climate change.
Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia is the project leader. Project partners are:

  • University of Warsaw - Faculty of Biology
  • Local Action Group - Leader in EGO
  • Mirosław Gontar Farm

EcoReadMasuria is one of 10 living labs established within the pan-European project "ECO-READY: Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven policies, socio-ecological challenges, biodiversity, data-driven policy, sustainable futures". The ECO-READY project is designed to prepare the European food system for new challenges in times of change. The new knowledge created and tools developed by the project serve to reduce the vulnerability of the European food system and increase its adaptive capacity to climate change, climate extremes and other external shocks. 



                                 This sub-project has received funding from the project ECO-READY (grant agreement No. 101084201) through its Open Call, funded by the European Union’sHorizon Europe research and innovation programme

The experts

Łukasz Gontar

Łukasz Gontar

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Maksymilian Kochański

Maksymilian Kochański

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European Commission

European Commission


Local Action Group \

Local Action Group \"Leader in EGO\"

Mirosław Gontar Farm

Mirosław Gontar Farm

University of Warsaw

University of Warsaw

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