Making a path to "Excellent Nuts and Seeds"
On 25-26 April 2019 the research team of RIC Pro-Akademia's Laboratory of Natural Products visited Production Site of Bakalland SA in Janów Podlaski, in Eastern Poland. The visit was the next stage of the "Excellent Nuts and Seeds" project, implemented as part of the "Cooperation" Measure of the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020, financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The project is implemented by a consortium composed of:
- EIG Finanse Ltd. - consulting company and consortium leader
- Research and Innovation Center Pro-Akademia - research organisation
- Bakalland SA - a large entrepreneur, the leader of the Polish dried fruit and nuts market
During the visit, representatives of RIC Pro-Akademia discussed the progress in our research work on the use of microwave technology for seeds and nuts in conditions of significantly reduced pressure. In turn, representatives of the Research and Development Department of Bakalland SA presented the existing technological sequence for seeds and nuts processing as well as packaging equipment, including equipment ensuring controlled atmosphere conditions. Together, we discussed the next stages of the project, which will bring us closer to the "Excellent Nuts and and Seeds": sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, and almonds, whose sensory parameters (taste, smell, color) and nutritional features (selected fatty acids and sterols) will improve as compared to the offer on the Polish and international market. The new product will go to the markets of not only Poland, but also the entire world (due to the intensive export activity of Bakalland SA), with particular emphasis on Western Europe, Africa and the Near and Far East.
More information about the project can be found on the website of the European Commission.
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas