KETBIO - the biotech booster from research to business
Brussels, February 2019 - A novel online hub for key enabling biotechnology research has gone live: The highly interactive KETBIO platform offers to the biotech community an interesting meeting place and the opportunity to prepare for market access with KETBIO`S core service: Evaluation of commercial potential of promising biotechnology projects.
The platform is open to all professionals and scientists in the various fields of biotechnology. With their registration, participants will get access to a full range of opportunities which are offered by the EU-funded KETBIO initiative for the biotechnology community: networking with peers & experts, showcasing project profiles to a wide audience, search & offer spaces, market intelligence, self-designed webinars and contacts with businesses. High level representatives of the biotech industry are invited to join in KETBIO`s Commercial Committee to exclusively review the projects`research results and to offer recommendations for commercialization. With an extra-promotion for promising projects through their presentation at industry events, with additional coaching or licensing support, the KETBIO tech transfer experts aim to bring research results faster to markets.
KETBIO-biotech transfer is an EU-funded coordination action under HORIZON 2020 for key enabling biotechnology research. The initiative has a goal to raise the innovation capacity of European research and businesses. Biotechnology research is seen as a main driver in Europe`s future circular economy by offering key tools for many different fields, among them biorefining, marine and freshwater technologies, energy and waste conversion, food,- feed- and textile production, agriculture and much more. Experts in knowledge transfer from six European countries are working with KETBIO.
Registration at:
Follow us on twitter: @ketbio_biotech.
Kathrin Rübberdt, Project Coordination, Dechema, mail:
Sylvia Schreiber, Communication, Pracsis, mail: