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The didactic and environmental functions of the collection of energy crops in the Transfer Technology Center in Konstantynów Łódzki

Date added: 2014-10-01

Pages: 37-48


Zdzisława Romanowska-Duda, Mieczysław Grzesik, Wiktor Pszczółkowski, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Agata Pszczółkowska


One of the priorities in the production of renewable energy is the selection of suitable energy crops that can develop in different soil and climate conditions. Expanding knowledge in this area fosters the creation of collections that play an important role in promoting the idea of RES and provide opportunities to get acquainted with a wide assortment of energy crops and technologies for energy conversion and application in phyto-environment technologies. The energy crop collection established in RES TTC presents energy crops that can be cultivated under a variety of environmental conditions and, in addition to their didactic and training functions, play an experimental role.


environment, collection of energy crops, renewable energy
