Aleksander Kochański
Area reasearch | Humanities, Medical, health and sport sciences |
Scientific area: | Humanities, Medical and health sciences |
Scientific discipline: | linguistics |
Languages: | English, German, Polish, French |
Aleksander coordinates EU Projects implemented by RIC Pro-Akademia, funded from sources of the EU general budget (European Commission – EuropeAid), European Social Fund (Human Capital Operational Programme) and European Regional Development Fund (Development of Eastern Poland Operational Programme and European Territorial Co-operation Programme INTERREG IVC).
Expert in projects

Monitoring i ewaluacja Północno-Wschodniego Klastra Edukacji Cyfrowej

Carport integrated with an electric vehicle charging station powered by solar energy

Utilization of CO2 through novel systems for production of CH4& etanol
Utilization of CO2 through novel systems for production of CH4& etanol

Conducting R&D activities aimed for development of significantly improved fireplace inserts

Laboratory Remote Classes
Member of project teams

Promotion of Resource Efficiency in SMEs in Central Europe
Promotion of Resource Efficiency in SMEs in Central Europe

Budowa Centrum Transferu Technologii w obszarze Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii

Doradztwo KSI KSU dla innowacyjnych

Laboratory Remote Classes

Lodzkie of Energy

Monitoring i ewaluacja Północno-Wschodniego Klastra Edukacji Cyfrowej

Naukowcy dla gospodarki województwa łódzkiego

Open Information processing within Innovation Networks - InfoPro

Turyzm dla Regionu – Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Doktorantów

Wpływ Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej Unii Europejskiej na Rolnictwo w Afryce Sub-saharyjskiej
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