Graz Energy Agency
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Graz Energy Agency (GEA) started its operation as a limited company in the year 1998 with support by the SAVE programme of the EU. The agency has currently a staff of 15 highly qualified employees, their expertise ranging from technical, economic to legal and marketing backgrounds. The main shareholders are the City of Graz and the Municipal Utility of Graz with a small share of the regional utility company. The essential task of Graz Energy Agency is to promote energy efficiency and renewable energies with a special emphasis on innovative energy service models (like Energy Performance Contracting). GEA is the main institution for implementing municipal energy policies of the City of Graz but is also cooperating with Cities all over Austria on the issues of energy efficiency, environmental sound behaviour and renewable energy sources. Core competences of GEA are related to all kinds of energy efficiency, innovative energy solutions and change of energy behaviour actions especially for public organisations. GEA has profound know-how and long-lasting experiences on technical, economical, as well as processual and methodical aspects. GEA has got several prices for its innovations on energy service models. In this way GEA has supported several refurbishment and development processes of school buildings. In addition GEA is partner in the federal climate protection programme klimaaktiv and is familiar with best practices of sustainable school buildings in Austria.