Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje
Link to website partners: | http://www.lea-ptuj.si |
Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje is energy manager for the Spodnje Podravje municipalities. Main activities of the agency are: developing local energy concepts, energy management, energy bookkeeping, energy auditing of the buildings and lighting systems, developing the investment documentation for energy renovation, supervision of the energy renovation of the public buildings, developing feasibility studies for investments in public sector (energy renovation of the buildings, public lighting systems, implementation of the renewable energy sources: heat pumps, solar, photovoltaics, biomass, biogas) and energy certification. All activities are performed within 26 municipalities on the market principle. Other activities: - Reporting of the energy savings and renewable energy sources implementation to the local and national governments; - Preparation of national and international energy projects targeting the decrease of energy consumption and acceleration of RES in public buildings as well as in enterprises and private buildings; - Technical assistance by reconstructions and novel installations for accomplishing RES and rational use of energy (RUE) objectives; - Assisting the investors to find adequate stakeholders and locations for the implementation of versatile energy projects (biomass installations, biogas production, small hydro power stations, district heating systems, geothermal energy systems, photovoltaics, CHP, etc.); - Consulting and supervision on the design