Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
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Engineering is the first Italian information technology group, among the top ten global European players in software and services. 6,500 people who develop projects and services for private companies and public administration.
1,000 clients in all markets (finance, industry and public administration), a territorial network of 43 branches in Italy and overseas, with offices in Belgium, Brasil, Argentina and Lebanon.
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. is now the leader of the group carrying the same name. In 2010, the year of the latest approved financial statement, Engineering IngegneriaInformatica achieved revenues of 485.5 million Euros, an increase of 6%. The parent company employs 3,884 people, having recruited new employees and increasing the staff by 5.5%.
Starting from 2003, Engineering (Energy & Utilities Division) has become the leader in Italy in the Energy & Utilities market, with over 180 clients. The Energy & Utilities Division reaches more than 12 million users, and around 14 million citizens.
In Italy, around 45% of gas meters, more than half of all electricity meters and 32% of water meters use Engineering solutions.
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A has obtained all major international quality and security Certifications, such as ISO 9001:2008, CMMI-Dev (v1.2 level 3), ISO14001, ISO27001.