CBI Pro-Akademia

Potential of low concentration nanofluids in heat transfer

Date added: 2015-07-01
Type: Article
Languages: English

Author / authors

Elżbieta Fornalik-Wajs

Elżbieta Fornalik-Wajs

Engineering and technology

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Aleksandra Roszko

Aleksandra Roszko

Engineering and technology

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The main purpose of conducted studies was recognition of low concentration nanofluid under the influence of magnetic field potential applications. The investigations are having fundamental character but Authors keep in mind better energy utilization through the heat transfer enhancement. The examined fluid was composed of water and Cu/CuO nanoparticles. Three temperature differences were imposed on the system. The results did not give unequivocal answer on possible utilization of studied phenomena, but there is open scene for the studies of particle-fluid interaction and flow structure. The main conclusion is that the magnetic properties of base fluid and particles are crucial for such analysis.

Keywords / Tags

Key words: weakly-magnetic fluid, heat transfer phenomena, strong magnetic field, thermo-magnetic convection, nanofluid

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