CBI Pro-Akademia


Date added: 2013-07-01
Type: Article
Languages: English, Polish

Author / authors

Marek Grymin

Marek Grymin

Engineering and technology

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The goal of the article is to introduce the problematic of energy-saving architecture, present the necessity of energy-saving and radical change in contemporarily used regales of constructing, convict the importance of sustainable development, in accordance with EU goals and its basic documents aimed at improvement of energy standards of building and protection of climate. In the article, there were research programmes and standards of buildings or estates certification presented. There were also exemplar realizations of low-energy estates in Germany and Austria, with special concern on regales of designing passive buildings. There was also a vision of future architecture and design presented, on the examples of innovative estates and settlements structure, designed with usage of the regales for saving and gaining energy.

Keywords / Tags

Key words: energy-efficient construction, sustainable development, low-energy buildings, energetic certification

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